From Orany to Poterantsy
Zanemanskiye railways started in 1893 with the laying of a branch called Orano-Olitskaya (Varena-Alytus) in documents. Despite the name, in the beginning the line was built not to Olita, but to village Poterantsy* (Poteronys) S of Olita and NW of Olava** (Alove).
Poterantsy and it's discharge yard were built on the right
side of the Neman river, south of Olita near the roads from Olita to
Olkeniki (Valkininkai) and Grodna. Road bridge a verst away stood and railway bridge over
the Neman were planned thereabout. There were two optional locations of
railway bridge - Olitskyi and Sudvoyskyi variants. The northern variant in Olita
was chosen. After
the railway bridge was finished the station Poterantsy to be shut because near the settlement Olita new station to be built on the left side of
By middle of June 1893 prospecting of ground between Orany and
Poterantsy was finished and on 1 August building of track bed began.
Railroad squads constructed temporary timbered bridges of the branch.
Rails, sleepers, building materials for bridges were transported to the
line and the building of stone culverts began during next winter. Also
the construction of bridges across Merechanka (Merkys) and Oranka (Varene) rivers and stone culverts began.
During spring and summer of 1894 earthwork and
construction of timber bridges continued, minor stone culverts were
finished and cast iron tubes were laid down. During autumn branch
tracks at stations were built, track bed was ballasted, decoration of
stations and other buildings proceeded. On the section from Poterantsy to the discharge yard stone culvert for Skernevka (Skerne) river and overpass of road to Grodna were built.
Track bed was ballasted with gravel and road-metal.
For one kilometre of the railroad 1300 cubic meters of ballast, 1320
deal sleepers and 26.3 and 29 kg/m steel rails were used. Putilov and
Bryansk plants produced these rails. Some of rails were received from
Libavo-Romenskaya (Liepaja-Romny) railway.
Branch was remised to Petersburg – Warsaw
railroad at night from 24 to 25 January 1895 and 15 February regular
railway service to Poterantsy began.
Until 1897, on 5th verst of railway section between Poterantsy station and the railway bridge, culvert for stream Materka (Motertis) was built.